A substantial increase in employment for HVAC technician is evident because of the high demand for repair, installation and maintenance for climate control systems installed in most buildings. It is also today’s high-paying job nationwide. You must be a graduate of HVAC program to take advantage of this growing career. Here is a list of HVAC Schools in Texas that offers the program.

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Lincoln College of Technology offers HVAC program that provides emphasis on hands-on training. It is like doing the job even before getting hired as an HVAC technician, giving their students an edge over other students of the same education. You can go in Grand Prairie (Dallas/Ft. Worth Area) campus to inquire about the program.

South Texas Vocational Technical Institute provides financial assistance to qualified students. After the completion of the program, the school also offers job placement assistance. Even if you are busy, you can enroll at this institute because they offer flexible schedules.

The HVAC program includes preparation of students for EPA Certification. You can enroll for HVAC program at the following campuses: Corpus Christi and San Antonio.

Southern Careers Institute offers certificate programs for HVAC in commercial and residential level. Plus you will receive training on piping using different types of materials.

The school also offers financial aid to qualified students. You may enroll for HVAC program in San Antonio North.

Fortis Institute offers HVAC and HVACR programs. The schools primary objective is to prepare students for entry-level employment as an HVAC Technician by providing training in computerized diagnostics. HVAC program is offered in Houston North campus.

Vista College Lubbock offers certification and diploma for HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) program.  This program can be availed at the Lubbock campus. You can choose between daytime or evening classes in a convenient class schedules. And you can apply for financial assistance as well. They also have Lifetime Career Services Assistance for graduates.

Kaplan College can accommodate busy individuals with their flexible HVAC program schedules. Students are provided hands-on training in limited class sizes and they can also enjoy tutoring assistance from experienced faculty and staff. More importantly, graduates can avail of the school’s Career Placement Assistance.

A diploma is rewarded to students who have completed the program. The HVAC program is available at Brownsville campus.

Vista College Amarillo offers certificate and diploma for HVAC program. You can choose to enroll either daytime or evening classes and ask for financial assistance. This is offered only to qualified students. Graduates can also enjoy Lifetime Career Services Assistance.

HVAC graduates are eligible for entry level position in this field. You can go to the Amarillo campus to apply for the HVAC program.

Penn Foster Career School – You are secure to graduate because tuition fees are inclusive of the study materials such as books, study guides and learning aid. Plus they have 0% interest and customized payment plans offered to HVAC students.

Ashworth College provides career diploma for HVAC graduates. The HVAC program will only take 6 months and you can choose to study either online or by mail. The online training consists of 19 specialized lessons. After that, you can take the EPA 608 certification exam. Once you obtain this certification, you are now viable and qualified as a federal government refrigerant handler for both residential and commercial air conditioning requirements.

HVAC Salary and Job Prospect in Texas

The average salary for HVAC technician is $41,000 with a wide range of employment opportunities including but not limited to technicians, estimators and branch managers.